Hot Yoga Through the Eyes of Kalia
Hot Yoga (the original Bikram Yoga: 26 poses done twice) sounds fire-y doesn’t it?
For some personalities it is a great fit as they imagine an intensely detoxifying workout. For others, it sounds terrifyingly uncomfortable and confronting. The truth is, both elements exist. However, they serve you tremendously!
The first time I showed up to a Hot 90 class, I wasn’t too convinced it would be for me. Having come from a classical dance background and 15 years as a meditator, I couldn’t imagine a hot yoga class fulfilling both my athletic and peaceful passions. But by the end of the class, I felt completely satisfied and exhilarated! I felt truly accomplished.
I felt proud of myself.
And at the same time, I felt a sense of center-ness and deep relaxation that I had always loved after meditating. I was baffled, mesmerized and curious all at the same time.So, I went back. And, I went back. And, I went back. Then the predictable sequence of postures began healing my back pain! Showing up consistently to the “ballet barre” everyday, I found the heat melting my tense muscles which then allowed me to see what I was made of! The heat also worked to cleanse every organ, every body system, every cell of my body! And the “reset” feeling in my spine and nervous system, calmed my mind.
I was so blown away by my own experience, I decided to get certified to teach these classes to others, sharing my love and confidence in the 26+2 series of postures. The healing that inevitably happens, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually, happens in the perfect timing with individual results designed just for you!
At the start, you will most likely notice that the practice comes across as very Yang, very masculine in its energy. This is the part that may be a turn off for many between the heat and the teacher delivering direct cues the entire 90 minutes. Others love the discipline and challenge. I have found this Yang energy has its place in pushing you beyond your limitations, encouraging you to break free from unhealthy patterns of comfortability and safety! If we were to always be soft with ourselves, would we ever accomplish our dreams? You will most likely discover as you focus your attention to the teacher’s guiding cues, your mind has no choice but to quiet down and a moving meditation naturally happens.
Hopefully, you will also observe the Yin, the feminine energy of the practice, the nurturing relaxation during “dead body pose” that follows every active posture, a constant letting go after the challenges the postures may present. You will also witness the stillness found in the balance, focus and concentration which takes you into a place of surrender.
But hey! Isn’t that just like life?
Aren’t we constantly being confronted with conflict? Aren’t we more often than not a participant in the race against time/death?
So let me ask you…what would happen if the Yin relaxation moments of Hot Yoga were to begin to infiltrate your day-to-day life? What if this state of being began to respond to the dissonance you often encounter instead of a reactionary, stressed-out self? To me, showing up to a hot yoga class is actually a dress rehearsal for life and all you encounter in the world. It is practical and powerful. It works on you on many levels. It is mysterious. I don’t know about you, but I love every opportunity to practice moving through the challenges of life this way instead of the alternative which is fighting, being ambitious and hustling to the point of burn out.
If you are someone that has too much masculine, Yang energy, happening in the rhythm of your day, you will get to learn how to lean into the Yin of the hot practice more. If you are on the opposite side of the spectrum where you need a bit more encouragement and push to take you beyond a mundane plateau of living, the Yang energy of hot yoga will do exactly that.
Surrounded by an Ohana of support, guided by a loving teacher, you will begin a journey of discovery…breaking free of the ordinary and jumping into a new level of health and wellness just right for you! At Bella Kai, you can choose to practice with any one of our teachers who loves to bring in a bit more Yin energy to the traditional 26+2 series. The cues are still there, but alongside is an offering of silence, inspirational quotes, music or candlelight. You can also choose to practice in a self-guided situation where you practice as you wish.
In addition, coming soon will be other classes to support relaxation in your life like Yin Yoga, Tai Chi and Dance!
So, I encourage you to check out Hot Yoga! There really is something in it for everyone. Be open to exploring both sides of the practice and experience how this practice can enrich your life.
I am sure glad Hillary invited me. So grateful.
I look forward to meeting you in the hot room soon!
Kalia Kohut